Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Build A Better Breakfast!

A couple weeks ago I found a breakfast I was really happy with.  Not only because it spiced up one of my most boring meals of the day but because it gave me lost lasting energy for the day.  Here it is.

SonRise Omelet

-1 egg and 2 egg whites
-3 cups spinach
-1/4 cup of sliced mushrooms
-1/2 green bell pepper (chopped)
-1 serving fat free shredded cheese (about 2 pinches)
-Splash of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
-1/2 tablespoon of EV Olive Oil
-1/4 Chopped Onion
-3 slices deli turkey

How to prepare: First mix spinach, onion, peppers, and mushrooms with the EVOO and stir still cooked thorough then add the eggs pre scrambled into the pan and let it cover the veggies. Add in your turkey. Then start to mix around until the eggs cook though. This should only take a few minutes. Once the eggs are almost done add in your cheese to melt on to it.  The cheese should not cover it, its just for some flavor. Go LIGHT ON THE CHEESE.  When its on your plate add some hot sauce for a good kick.

This breakfast is great because it is full of good solid protein which will keep you energized through out your day and leave you feeling fuller till your mid morning snack to avoid over eating later!

Feel free to add in a slice of whole wheat toast to get those good carbs if you are planning on getting in that work out after the work day is over!

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