Friday, January 14, 2011

Weekend Warrior Workout

Okay so here we go, we've made it through the week but then we manage to go FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY WITHOUT A WORKOUT and basically we are back to strugglesville on Monday.  Time to fix that. Here is our weekend workout to keep your momentum going into next week.  No more 'case of the mondays.'

10 Minutes of Foam Rolling to start out
-Try to hit the lower half of you body and some major muscles up top as well.  Don't forget to get your back.  By starting with this we are really prepping your body for good stuff in the next 45 minutes!

Dynamic Warm Up
-25 Jumping Jacks
-10 Reverse Lunge With Overhead Reach (don't use the added weight)
-10 Yards of 'open the gate'
-10 Yards of 'close the gate'
-15 Leg Swings Per Leg, First forward/backward then Laterally Across Your Body
-Frankensteins (10 yards)
-Backwards strides
-Forward Sprints (2)

Circuit- Repeat twice. 15 second rest in between exercises. 3 minutes rest in between circuits.

-15 Goblet Squats

-25 Biased Push Ups

-15 Body Weight Rows

-20 Walking Dumbbell Lunges

-20 Alternating Dumbbell Press on Stab. Ball

-12 Dumbbell Bentover Rows

-Plank Hold, 1 Minute

-15 Close Grip Push Ups

-30 Knee to opposite elbows (15 Per Leg)

Now we get a good 10-15 minute cool down and stretch!  Be sure to keep hydrating and eat something as soon as you leave your workout!  After work like this your body needs fuel!

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