Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Goals

One of my favorite sayings is, "when you fail to plan, you plan to fail."  Goals are such a crucial part of not only fitness, but life.  Without goals we have nothing to shoot for, nothing to track our progress, and most importantly nothing to hold us accountable.  So by laying out my goals on here, I am already creating momentum this year to start doing big things!  Enjoy.

2011 Goals

1) Win 3 Golf Tournaments This Season

2) Do 50,000 Push Ups

3) Run 1,000 Miles

4) Get A Hole In One

5) Complete 10,000 Chin/Pull Ups

6) Road Trip Over 1,000 Miles In One Shot

7) Get My Golf Handicap Below 1

8) Run A Half Marathon

9) Run the Baltimore Marathon

10) Finish My Physical Therapy Pre-reqs With A GPA Of 3.5 or Better

11) Go To 2 Theme Parks 

12) Play 3 Rounds Of Golf In One Day

13) Get 9 Birdies In One Round

14) Break 71

15) Break 68


17) Get To 6% Body Fat

18) Have A Nationally Recognized Blog

19) Read 20 Books

20) Finish Top 3 In Solstice Survival ( tournament info )

21) $1,300 In Earnings From Golf Winnings

22) Win Golf League Regular Season and Play Off's

23) Share My Faith On The Golf Course

24) Apply To At Least 8 PT Schools and Get In

25) Take A Homeless Person Out To A Meal

26) Not Eat Out For A Week

27) Go Without TV For 100 Days Out Of 365

28) Go To The US OPEN At Congressional

29) See A PGA Non-Major Event

30) Try To Qualify For A Big Tournament I Have No Business Playing In

31) Win a City AM This Year

32) Read My Bible EVERYDAY

33) Save $20,000 

34) Give AT LEAST 10% Of Any Income Away To Benefit The Kingdom

35) Treat A Friend To Breakfast, Lunch, Or Dinner Once A Week

36) Go To An NFL Game

37) Go To An MLS Game

38) Send An Encouraging Message To Someone Different Every Day 

39) Other Than School Bills, Never Have Debt

40) Take A Whole Family Out To Dinner

41) Have 15 Or More Clients On A Regular Basis (More than once a week)

42) Memorize One Verse A week

43) Write A Song (a good one)

44) Not Get A Ticket (speeding or parking)

45) Never Miss A Class Or A Session No Matter What

46) Give A "Homeless Gift Bag" Once A Month

47) Buy An iMac

48) Attain My C.S.C.S.

49) Get In Exercise Of Some Kind 5-6 Days A Week

50) Stop Trying To Accomplish All Of These Things On My Own!

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