Thursday, April 21, 2011


We all know how tough it is to get in efficient work outs in on the weekend, mostly because we have the tendency to be lazy and not want to plan.  This ends up with us showing up at the gym completely unprepared and leaving within a half hour of getting there, and that is probably because your baby butt hopped on a treadmill or elliptical and did 25 minutes of 'cardio'. Sorry if that sounded mean....No I'm not. Here is a great set of work outs you can do on the weekend that aren't super time consuming and will allow for maximum fat burn so you can enjoy your weekends the way you want, not counting every calorie and regretting not heading out to the gym that morning. So, lets do this.

*rest time in between exercises should be no more than 20 seconds. Rest time in between sets should be 1-2 minutes.


Dynamic Warm up 10 min
Set 1 (x3)
-Bench step ups with rotation 12/leg
-Decline push ups feet on bench or ball x15 or max
-Box jumps, 30 seconds

Set 2 (x2)
-Hip progression 15 out, 10 out/up, 10out/rotatate per side
-Mountain climbers 30 seconds
-Bike crunches to max (on Bosu)
-Ball back extensions
-Y’s and T’s on the ball (prone)

Set 3 (x3)
-Goblet squats 25lb dumbbell x20 (on Bosu)
-Incline bench press x12
-Medicine Ball biased push ups to max
Set 4 (x2)
-Ball roll ins (knees to chest)
-Ball bridges x 15
-Side hip ups x15/side (on Bosu)
-Alternating dumbbell bench on ball x30 (15/side)

-Box jumps: 10 seconds on, rest 10 seconds, 15 seconds on, rest 15, 20 seconds on, rest 20, 30seconds on, rest 30, 40 on rest 40 then work your way back down 30 seconds rest 30 etc.


Dynamic warm up

Set 1 (x3)
-Body weight rows x15 (preferably on TRX)
-Back foot high lunges x12/leg
-Bicep curls single leg x 15

Set 2 (x2)
-Lat pull downs x15 (kneeling in a lunge, feet on line for unstable base)
-Lunge switch jumps x30 (15/side)
-Bent over dumbbell rows x15/arm

Set 3 (x2)
-Ball bridge w/ hamstring curl x12
-Bike crunches to max
-Ball roll ins to max
-Mountain climbers to max

Set 4 (x2)

-Bent over reverse dumbbell flys x12
-Bicep curls with straight bar hands over (not under like normal curl) still curling up like a normal one though
-Seated rows x 15

Finisher: 300 yd shuttle (12 runs back and forth at 25yds) do it 4 times, 2 minutes rest in between. 

45-60 Minutes steady state and Monday RESTTTTTT! (A well deserved rest I might add.)



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